Postal Code 590-0453: Minami Yama No Te Dai, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka
Zip Code:
Prefecture & City:
Osaka > Sennan-gun, Kumatori-cho
Minami Yama No Te Dai
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Japanese:590-0453 大阪府泉南郡熊取町南山の手台
Less to more specific order:
590-0453 Osaka, Sennan-gun, Kumatori-cho, Minami Yama No Te Dai
More to less specific order:
590-0453 Minami Yama No Te Dai, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka
How to write this address in an envelope?
[Recipient's Name][Building name and room number - if applicable]
Minami Yama No Te Dai [complement w/ block, sub-block no., etc (ex: 1-22-333)]
Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun
Osaka, 590-0453
南山の手台 [complement w/ block, sub-block no., etc (ex: 1-22-333)]
[Building name and room number - if applicable]
[Recipient's Name]
Other Postal Codes in the Same City
Update Status
Data in this page updated in Dec/2017.